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Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) is an emerging technology that provides drivers with real-time messages of potentially hazardous events on the road ahead, directly to the vehicle.
Messages may include early notice of traffic jams, road works, stationary vehicles, Dublin tunnel closure, as well as severe weather warning, speed advisory and more.
Further information on the Irish C-ITS pilot can be found on TII’s website at: Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) Pilot - (tii.ie)
The pilot will test and evaluate C-ITS services on the Irish Roads network, with the aim to achieve the following:
- Understand the issues associated with developing, delivering and operating C-ITS services in Ireland
- Evaluate the impact of the piloted C-ITS services to understand how this may affect the operations of the National Roads network in the future, as more vehicles become equipped with this technology
- Evaluate the impact of C-ITS from a technological, safety, efficiency and compliance perspective
- Provide an Irish viewpoint into the development of a European wide service
- Provide a meaningful contribution to the EU knowledgebase
Further information on the Irish C-ITS pilot can be found on TII’s website at: Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) Pilot - (tii.ie)
The pilot will take place along 355 km of Ireland’s National Roads network, focused on the M50 including the M1, M7, M8, as well as within the city of Dublin.

The Irish C-ITS pilot includes two participation options: Smarthpone App or On-Board Unit (OBU).
The C-ITS Smartphone App can be downloaded from the App store and following activation it will provide the driver with relevant C-ITS pilot messages of the road ahead directly to their personal phone.
The On-Board Unit (OBU) is a sophisticated device installed in the vehicle along with a small antenna and a Samsung Tab S6 Lite (Tablet). It provides the driver with relevant C-ITS pilot messages of the road ahead directly to the tablet. The OBU also transmits real-time data from the vehicle to roadside C-ITS infrastructure, providing the C-ITS pilot with additional information.

- Advanced notification in real-time of potentially hazardous events on the road ahead, and/or advisory information, for a safer more seamless driving experience
- Take part as a select group of participants contributing to a first of its kind pilot in Ireland
- Pilot participants will have the option of joining an incentivisation programme, through which they will receive monthly award points for active participation. At the end of the pilot period participants will be able to redeem their points from an online catalogue of rewards
If you are interested in becoming a C-ITS pilot participant simply fill the following questionnaire.
If you are a licensed driver who regularly travels along the pilot corridors (M50 around Dublin and/or along the M1, M7, M8, as well as within the city of Dublin) you will be considered for the pilot, based on your answers to the questionnaire.
Qualifying drivers will be contacted with further instructions towards participation, including brief independent training and smartphone App/On-board unit installation.
Participation in the pilot for a period of up to 12 months, including:
- Use of the smartphone App/ On-board unit for majority of trips
- Consent to data collection for trips where the smartphone App/ On-board unit is operated
- Valid Driver’s license
- Adequate insurance
- A mobile data package, for smartphone App participants
The data protection notice for this pilot sets out what data is collected and its intended use. It is summarised below:
- Contact Details – Your name, address, email address, phone number and any other personal data that you may provide when registering as a participant of the C-ITS Pilot
- Biographical data – Your age and gender
- Device identifiers – Device identifiers such as the identifier of an on-board unit or a unique ID of a mobile device used in connection with your participation in the C-ITS Pilot
- C-ITS messages – C-ITS messages transmitted between vehicles and transport infrastructure will be collected in connection with the evaluation of the C-ITS Pilot which may include location data. Location data includes data relating to the location of your vehicle, time of travel, speed and direction of travel
- Surveys and feedback – Any personal data provided as part of surveys and feedback on the C-ITS platform which may include responses to ‘driver profile’ questions (e.g. age, gender and occupation)
- Rewards – Your email address and device identifier may be processed in order to provide you with access to rewards programmes and other benefits that you subscribe to
- Miscellaneous – Any other personal data that you provide to TII or which is otherwise processed in connection with your participation in the C-ITS Pilot
The data will used for a number of purposes, summarised below:
- Registration - Registering you as a participant of the C-ITS Pilot
- Surveys and research – Carrying out surveys and research in connection with your experience of C-ITS and participation in the C-ITS Pilot
- General Administration – We will process your personal data in order to operate the C-ITS Pilot and to respond to any queries you may have or other communications from you
- Evaluation – We will process C-ITS messages and your personal data for the purposes of enabling us to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of C-ITS (e.g. testing capability of the technology) and to identify any improvements that could be made for longer-term deployment
- Rewards – We may process personal data (such as your email and device identifier) in order to provide you with access to rewards programmes and other benefits that you subscribe to
Yes, at any point in time a pilot participant can choose to stop their participation in the C-ITS pilot, through the Personal User Page.
OBU pilot participants will also be required to return all the installed equipment.